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Dizionario Tecnico Subacqueo




fabretto (m)  -damselfish
-blue damselfish
facciale (m)  -skirt of the diving mask
faglia (f)  -crack
falesia (f)  -cliff
falla (f)  -leak
falso corallo (m)  -false coral (m)
-dummy coral
fanale (m)  -lighthouse
fanfano (m)  -pilot fish
fanfaru (m)  -five-banded bream
-zebra seabream
fangoso  -silted
fango (m)  -mud
fanone di balena (m)  -whalebone
fare caricare la bombola  -have the cylinder refilled (to)
faro (m)  -lighthouse
faro (m)  -lamp
FAR (m)  -repetitive group
-repeat group letter
-saturation index
-residual nitrogen index
fascia di bloccaggio alla bombola (f)  -tank strap
fascia pettorale (f)  -chest strap
fasciatura sterile (f)  -sterile dressing
fasciatura (f)  -dressing
fascia (f)  -dressing
fascia (f)  -strap
fascio di luce (m)  -light beam
fascione ventrale (m)  -ventral belt
-waist strap
fascione (m)  -strap
fastidio (m)  -trouble
fatica (f)  -tiredness
fattore di azoto residuo  -repetitive group
-repeat group letter
-saturation index
-residual nitrogen index
FAUI  -Federation of Australian Underwater Instructors
fauna abisale (f)  -abyssal fauna
-deep-sea fauna
fauna marina (f)  -marine fauna
fauna (f)  -fauna
fermafrusta (m)  -hose clamp
-hose retainer
-retainer clip
fermare  -shut off (to)
-shut down (to)
-turn off (to)
-stop (to)
fermare  -stop (to)
fermarsi  -stop (to)
fessura branchiale (f)  -gill slit
fibbia a sgancio rapido (f)  -quick release buckle
fibbia ad apertura rapida (f)  -quick release buckle
fibbia (f)  -buckle
fibra di vetro (f)  -fiberglass
-glass fibre
filamento (m)  -filament
filettatura esterna (f)  -external thread
-external screw
filettatura interna (f)  -internal thread
-internal screw
filettatura metrica (f)  -metric thread
filettatura (f)  -thread
filetto esterno (m)  -external thread
-external screw
filetto interno (m)  -internal thread
-internal screw
filetto metrico (m)  -metric thread
film (m)  -film (m)
filo d'Arianna (m)  -guide line
-safety line
-guiding cable
-guide rope
filo (m)  -line
filtrare  -filter (to)
-filtrate (to)
filtro d'aria (m)  -air filter
filtro sinterizzato (m)  -air filter
filtro (m)  -filter
fiocina (f)  -harpoon
fiocina (f)  -hand spear
-fish spear
fiore di mare (f)  -cylinder anemone
fischietto (m)  -whistle
fischio (m)  -whistle
fissaggio (m)  -fastening
fissapinne (m)  -fin retainer
-fin grip
fissare il erogatore  -fit the regulator (to)
fissare  -fasten (to)
-secure (to)
fissazione (f)  -fastening
fitoplancton (m)  -phytoplancton
fiume sotterraneo (m)  -underground river
-subterranean stream
fiume (m)  -river
flabellina (f)  -flabellina
flash (m)  -flash gun
flessibile  -flexible
flora marina (f)  -marine flora
flora (f)  -flora
flottabilità negativa (f)  -negative buoyancy
flottabilità neutra (f)  -neutral buoyancy
-hydrostatic balance
flottabilità positiva (f)  -positive buoyancy
flottabilità (f)  -buoyancy
fluido (m)  -fluid
fluoresceina (f)  -fluorescein
fluorescente  -fluorescent
flusso continuo (m)  -constant flow
-free flow
flusso d'aria (m)  -air flow
flusso (m)  -flood tide
-rising tide
flusso (m)  -flow
-flow rate
flutto getto (m)  -ground swell
flutto (m)  -flood tide
-rising tide
foca (m)  -seal
focena (f)  -porpoise
foce (f)  -estuary
fodera doppia (f)  -double bag
fodera esterna (f)  -outer bag
-outer cover
fodera (f)  -bag
fodero del coltello (m)  -knife sheath
fondale corallino (m)  -coral seascape
- coral bottom
fondale de pesca (m)  -fishing zone
-fishing area
-fishing ground
fondale di sabbia (m)  -sandy soil
-sandy bottom
fondale marino (m)  -sea bed
-sea floor
-sea bottom
fondale (m)  -bottom
fondo marino (m)  -sea bed
-sea floor
-sea bottom
fondo petroso (m)  -stony bottom
-rocky bottom
fondo roccioso (m)  -stony bottom
-rocky bottom
fondo sabbioso  -sandy soil
-sandy bottom
fondo (m)  -bottom
foramene ovale (m)  -foramen ovale
-patent foramen ovale
-embryocardiac persistence
formazione delle bolle (f)  -bubble forming
formazione di ghiaccio (f)  -freezing open
formazione rocciosa (f)  -rock formation
forma (f)  -shape
formicolio (m)  -tickling
-tickling sensation
-itching sensation
-pins and needles
formicollii -tickling
-tickling sensation
-itching sensation
-pins and needles
forza del vento (f)  -wind force
-wind speed
fosforescente  -fluorescent
fossa oceanica (f)  -ocean deep
fotografare  -photograph (to)
-take a picture (to)
fotografia sottomarina (f)  -underwater photography
fotografia subacquea (f)  -underwater photography
fotografo subacqueo (m)  -underwater photographer
fotografo (m)  -photographer
fotosub (f)  -underwater photography
fragole di mare (f)  -beadlet anemone
frangente (m)  -breaker
frangiflutti (m)  -breakwater
frangionde (m)  -breakwater
fratturare  -break (to)
-damage (to)
freddo  -cold
freddo (m)  -cold
fregolo (m)  -spawn
frequenza (f)  -frequency
fronte (f)  -forehead
frottare  -rub (to)
frusta alta pressione (f)  -high pressure hose
frusta bassa pressione (f)  -low pressure hose
frusta d'infiltrattore (f)  -inflator hose
-direct hose
frusta del jacket (f)  -inflator hose
-direct hose
frusta pressione intermedia (f)  -medium pressure hose
frusta travaso (f)  -tank equalizer
frusta (f)  -hose
fucile con elastici (m)  -rubber strand speargun
-rubber-powered speargun
fucile pneumatico (m)  -pneumatic speargun
-compressed air speargun
fucile (m)  -speargun
fuco di mare (m)  -bladderwrack
fughicida (m)  -fungicide
fumogeno (m)  -smoke candle
fuoco a mano (m)  -distress flare
fuoribordo  -overboard


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