-European Association of Technical Divers |
ebbrezza delle profonditą (f) |
-rapture of the deep |
-rapture of the depths |
-nitrogen narcosis (f) |
eccedere il tempo residuo senza decompressione |
-exceed the no deco time (to) |
eccedere |
-exceed (to) |
eccesso di pesca (m) |
-overfishing |
echinodermi |
-echinoderms |
ecologia (f) |
-ecology |
ecologicamente favorevole |
-ecological |
-ecologically beneficial |
ecologico |
-ecological |
-ecologically beneficial |
ecoscandaglio (m) |
-echo sounder |
-depth finder |
ecosistema (m) |
-eco-system |
edema acuto del polmone (m) |
-acute lung oedema |
edema (m) |
-oedema |
-European Diving Instructors Association |
-European Diving Technology Committee |
EEG (m) |
-electroencephalogram |
effetto della pressione (m) |
-effect of pressure |
effetto Donald Duck (m) |
-Donald Duck effect |
effetto Doppler (m) |
-Doppler effect |
effetto memoria (m) |
-memory effect |
effetto Venturi (m) |
-Venturi effect |
elastico (m) |
-rubber sling |
-rubber strand |
elettrocardiogramma (m) |
-electrocardiogram |
-ECG |
elevare |
-lift (to) |
-raise (to) |
elevato (m) |
-raised |
-up |
elica (f) |
-propeller |
eliminare la ruggine |
-remove rust (to) |
elio (m) |
-helium |
embolia cerebrale (f) |
-cerebral embolism |
embolia gassosa arteriosa (f) |
-arterial gas embolism |
embolia polmonare (f) |
-pulmonary embolism |
embolia (f) |
-embolism |
emergenza (f) |
-distress |
-emergency |
emergere |
-resurface (to) |
-emerge (to) |
-surface (to) |
emiplegia (f) |
-hemiplegia |
emisfero cerebrale (m) |
-brain hemisphere |
emoglobina (f) |
-hemoglobin |
emorragia (f) |
-hemorrhage |
-blood loss |
-bleeding |
enfisema (m) |
-emphysema |
entrare nell'acqua |
-enter into the water (to) |
entrata d'acqua (f) |
-water entry |
entrata di schiena (f) |
-backward roll |
entrata in acqua (f) |
-entry in the water |
-water entry |
entrata in un relitto (f) |
-wreck penetration |
entrata passo avanti (f) |
-vertical entry |
-giant stride |
entrata rotolata (f) |
-backward roll |
entrata (f) |
-entry |
eperlano (m) |
-smelt |
epinefelo (m) |
-striped grouper |
-Brazilian grouper |
equilibrare la pressione |
-equalize the pressure (to) |
equilibrare |
-balance (to) |
-compensate (to) |
-stabilize (to) |
-control the buoyancy (to) |
equilibratore (m) |
-tank equalizer |
equilibratore (m) |
-buoyancy compensator |
-BC |
-buoyancy control device |
-BCD |
-BC vest |
-BCV |
-BC jacket |
-stabilizer jacket |
equilibratura (f) |
-compensation |
equilibrio idrostatico (m) |
-neutral buoyancy |
-hydrostatic balance |
equilibrio (m) |
-equilibrium |
-balance |
equipaggiamento (m) |
-equipment |
-diving gear |
-gear |
-diving material |
equipaggio (m) |
-crew |
equiparsi |
-kit up (to) |
-gear up (to) |
erbario di posidonie (m) |
-posidonia bed |
-seaweed bottom |
ermetico |
-tight |
-watertight |
ermite di anemone (m) |
-anemone-hermit-crab |
ermite (m) |
-hermit crab |
erogatore a 2 stadi (m) |
-two stage regulator |
-twin stage regulator |
-single hose regulator |
erogatore a doppia espansione (m) |
-two stage regulator |
-twin stage regulator |
-single hose regulator |
erogatore a semplice espansione (m) |
-single stage regulator |
-twin hose regulator |
erogatore bilanciato (m) |
-balanced regulator |
erogatore bistadio (m) |
-two stage regulator |
-twin stage regulator |
-single hose regulator |
erogatore compensato (m) |
-balanced regulator |
erogatore con 1 stadio (m) |
-single stage regulator |
-twin hose regulator |
erogatore d'emergenza (m) |
-safety regulator |
-alternate aire source |
-alternative air source |
erogatore di reserva (m) |
-safety regulator |
-alternate aire source |
-alternative air source |
erogatore monostadio (m) |
-single stage regulator |
-twin hose regulator |
erogatore (m) |
-regulator |
-reg |
-demand valve |
-regulator valve |
erogazione continua (f) |
-constant flow |
-free flow |
erogazione dell'aria (f) |
-air expansion |
erosione (f) |
-erosion |
esame medico (m) |
-medical examination |
-medical visit |
-medical consultation |
-medical check-up |
esame (m) |
-examination |
-inspection |
-test |
-control |
-trial |
esaminare |
-examine (to) |
esaurimento dell'aria (m) |
-air shortage |
esca (f) |
-bait |
escoriazione (f) |
-chafing |
espandersi |
-expand (to) |
espirare |
-breathe out (to) |
-exhale (to) |
espirazione forzata (f) |
-forced expiration |
espirazione (f) |
-expiration |
-exhalation |
-breathing out |
esplodere |
-burst (to) |
-explode (to) |
-blast (to) |
esplorare |
-explore (to) |
esplorazione (f) |
-exploration |
esplosione (f) |
-explosion |
-blast |
estate (m) |
-summer |
estremitą (f) |
-end |
estuario (m) |
-estuary |
estuario (m) |
-estuary |
-mouth |
est (m) |
-east |
evaporazione (f) |
-evaporation |
esercisio (m) |
-exercice |