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Dizionario Tecnico Subacqueo




babordo  -port
-port side
backpack (m)  -back plate
-back pack
baffo di scarico (m)  -deflector
-exhaust tee
baia (f)  -bay
balena franca (f)  -right whale
-black right whale
balena grigia (f)  -grey whale
balena (f)  -whale
balenottera azurra (f)  -blue whale
balenottera gobba (f)  -humpback whale
balenotto (m)  -whale calf
ballerina spagnola (f)  -Spanish dancer
banchina (f)  -quay
banco di controllo (m)  -test bench
banco di coralli (m)  -coral reef
banco di cozze (m)  -mussel bed
banco di sabbia (m)  -sand bank
banda velcro (f)  -velcro strip
bandiera alfa (f)  -A-flag
-alpha flag
-dive flag
bandiera (f)  -flag
Barakuda  -Barakuda
barbatello (m)  -stone loach
barba (f)  -beard
barbio (m)  -barb
barbo (m)  -barb
barca a motore (f)  -motor boat
barca a vela (f)  -sailing boat
barca ausiliaria (f)  -dinghy
barcaiolo (m)  -skipper
barca (f)  -barge
barca (f)  -ship
bardatura (f)  -harness
barella (f)  -barrow
barotraumatismo dell'orechhio medio (m)  -middle ear squeeze
barotraumatismo dell'orechhio (m)  -aural barotrauma
barotraumatismo sinusale (m)  -sinus squeeze
-sinus barotrauma
barotraumatismo (m)  -barotrauma
barotrauma (m)  -barotrauma
barra del timone (f)  -rudder tiller
barra di sosta (f)  -deco bar
barracuda (m)  -barracuda
barriera corallina (f)  -reef barrer
barriera di casa (f)  -house reef
bar (m)  -bar
base della bombolla (f)  -cylinder boot
-tank boot
bassa marea (f)  -low water level
-low tide
-slack water at low tide
bassa pressione (f)  -low pressure
basso  -below
bassofondo (m)  -shoal
-shallow water
batiplancton (m)  -bathyplankton
batiscafo (m)  -bathyscaph
batisfera (f)  -bathysphere
batteria al nichel-cadmio (f)  -nickel-cadmium battery
batteria ricaricabile (f)  -rechargeable battery
batteria (f)  -battery
batterio (m)  -bacteria
battesimo (m)  -first dive
battito cardiaco (m)  -heart rate
battito cardiaco (m)  -heart beat
battito del cuore (m)  -heart beat
bava di vento (f)  -Beaufort 1
-light air
bavosa (f)  -blenny
beccheggiare  -pitch (to)
beccheggio (m)  -pitching
becco d'anitra (m)  -duck's bill valve
-spear valve
beluga (m)  -white whale
bendaggio sterile (m)  -sterile dressing
bendaggio (m)  -dressing
bend (m)  -bend
bentonico  -benthic
bere  -drink (to)
bibita calda (f)  -hot drink
bibita (f)  -drink
bibombola (f)  -twin cylinder
-double set
bibo (m)  -twin cylinder
-double set
biologia marina (f)  -marine biology
biotopo (m)  -biotope
bisacco (m)  -double bag
bitta d'ormeggio (f)  -mooring bitt
bitta (f)  -bitt
bloccarsi  -jam (to)
blow-up (m)  -blow-up
blue hole (m)  -blue hole
boa di ormeggio (f)  -mooring buoy
-anchorage buoy
-anchor buoy
boa di segnalazione sommozzatori (f)  -delayed surface marker buoy
-dive marker
boa di segnalazione (f)  -marker buoy
boa segnasub (f) -surface marker buoy
-signal buoy
-surface float
boa (f)  -buoy
boa (f)  -beacon
bobina (f)  -line reel
bocca a bocca (m)  -mouth to mouth resuscitation
-expired air resuscitation
bocca a naso (m)  -mouth to nose resuscitation
bocca d'oro (f)  -meagre
boccaglio (m)  -mouthpiece
boccaporto (m)  -airlock
-lock chamber
boccata de aria (f)  -puff
-breath of air
bocca (f)  -mouth
boetta segnasub (f)  -surface marker buoy
-signal buoy
-surface float
bolla d'aria (f)  -air bubble
bollettino metereologico (m)  -weather report
-weather forecast
bollicina d'aria (f)  -air bubble
bollicine -bubbles
bomba di profonditą (f)  -depth charge
bombola ausiliara (f)  -pony cylinder
-pony tank
-pony bottle
-auxiliary cylinder
bombola biattaco (f)  -double outlet cylinder
-double outlet tank
bombola da fianco (f)  -side tank
bombola di emergenza (f)  -emergency cylinder
-emergency tank
-ascent bottle
bombola in alluminio (f)  -aluminium tank
-alu tank
-aluminium cylinder
bombola piena (f)  -full cylinder
bombola tampone (f)  -buffer tank
-buffer cylinder
bombola vuota (f)  -empty cilinder
-empty tank
bombolaro (m)  -scuba diver
bombola (f)  -cylinder
bombolino di riserva (m)  -pony cylinder
-pony tank
-pony bottle
-auxiliary cylinder
bombolla in acciaio (f)  -steel tank
-steel cylinder
bonaccia (f)  -flat calm
bonellia (f)  -bonellia
bordatura della maschera (f)  -mask frame
bordeggiare  -tack (to)
borsa da sub (f)  -bag
-diving bag
-transport bag
botte di mare (m)  -shiff arms jellyfish
-barrel jellyfish
-football jellyfish
bottone de scarico (m)  -purge button
-deflation button
bottone di regolazione (m)  -adjustment knob
-air flow adjustment knob
braccialetto (m)  -strap
-watch strap
-watch strap
braccio articolato (m)  -articulated arm
braccio di mare (m)  -arm of the sea
-sea inlet
braccio (m)  -arm
branchia (f)  -gill
branchie -branchiae
branco di pesci (m)  -shoal of fish
-fish shoal
-school of fish
branzino (m)  -bass
-sea bass
-sea perch
brema (f)  -bream
brevettato  -certified
brevetto 1 stella (m)  -1 star diver certificate
-novice diver certificate
brevetto 2 stelle (m)  -2 star diver certificate
-sports diver certificate
brevetto 3 stelle (m)  -3 star diver certificate
-advanced diver certificate
brevetto 4 stelle (m)  -4* diver certificate
-first class diver certificate
brevetto di immersione (m)  -diving certificate
brevetto di navigazione (m)  -navigation certificate
brevetto di primo livello (m)  -1 star diver certificate
-novice diver certificate
brevetto (m)  -C-card
brezza leggera (f)  -Beaufort 2
-light breeze
brezza tesa (f)  -Beaufort 3
-gentle breeze
brezza (f)  -breeze
brida (f)  -clamp
briefing (m)  -briefing (f)
briozoi -bryozoa
briozoo (m)  -briozoan
brivido (m)  -shiver
bronchi -bronchi
bronzo (m)  -bronze
bruco di mare (m)  -bristle worm
-blood worm
buccina (f)  -whelk
buccina (f)  -triton's horn
buco blu (m)  -blue hole
buddy check (m)  -buddy check
buddy line (f)  -buddy line
buio  -dunkel
bulbo spinale (m)  -spinal bulbe
-medulla oblongata
buona visibilitą (f)  -good visibility
burrasca forte (f)  -Beaufort 9
-strong gale
burrasca (f)  -Beaufort 8
-fresh gale
burrasca (f)  -blast of wind
busbana francese (f)  -bib
-whiting pout
bussola (f)  -compass

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